Are You Aware of How Popular Voice Search Truly Is?
It is not a secret, that in today’s digital world, people are always on the go and forced to multi-task due to how busy their schedule is. As a result, it is not surprising that when they are in need of information or a solution to their problem, they want the answer right away!
There is a big reason that the amount of searches being performed every day through voice queries has grown drastically. As a matter of fact, people are performing voice searches on iPhones, Androids, as well as Alexa devices every single day. Many of those searches are people asking for directions, which local business either provide a service or carries an item they just saw online. That’s not all though, people are even increasingly performing voice searches for weather updates!
When people were asked in a recent survey why they use voice search, the most common answer was “It’s Quick, It’s Easy, and It’s Convenient”. As a matter of fact, 71 percent of Americans said that they would rather use voice search than waste time entering a search query with the keyboard.

Recent Voice Search Statistics
It is not a big surprise that the number of people using smart speakers like Alexa has continued to increase. As a matter of fact, a study performed by Juniper Research found that up to 55 percent of American households were expected to own a smart speaker in 2022.
Not that anyone is surprised, but It is the Millennials studies show that use voice searches the most. However, It is important to realize, that a study performed by eMarketer found that voice search performances are in fact increasing in all age groups, even in seniors!
6 Surprising Voice Related Search Statistics
- Studies show that in the year 2020, 52 percent of people were using voice search daily and some were even using it multiple times a day.
- Right around half of all consumers research products online that they are thinking of buying through voice search. More importantly, a little over half of the consumers use voice search to shop for things like groceries.
- According to one recent study performed by Capgemini, close to 70 percent of consumers are actually using voice search to shop instead of physically going to the store in person.
- A recent study performed by Google revealed that 48 percent of voice-activated-speaker owners want to be provided personalized information as well as tips from companies.
- It is predicted that by 2023 that close to 8 billion devices will in fact provide voice assistants.
- 99 Firms performed a study where 71 percent of consumers that wear devices said that they plan on using voice automated searches in the future.

5 Reasons Your Company Needs To Adjust To Voice Automated Searches
1. Google Voice Search Is Growing Daily
It is not a big surprise that mobile users are 3 times more likely to adopt voice search as opposed to those who primarily use desktop devices to search for answers. As a matter of fact, studies show that somewhere around 31 percent of mobile users perform a search query through voice more than once a week.
Most importantly, it is estimated that around half of the searches performed on the world’s largest search engine Google are in fact performed through a voice query. The cause of the increasing interest and growth of searches being performed through voice is simply because of accuracy. According To Google, their voice searches are in fact 95 percent accurate!
Not to mention, that it is predicted that searches performed through voice will become a 40 Billion USD channel by this sometime this year in 2022.
2. Google's Hummingbird Update
It is important to realize that once Google introduce their Hummingbird update, many of the ways that we searched the internet were changed forever.
The reason for the big change was that the Hummingbird update made it easier for the Google search engine to pick up semantic nuances. The Google Search Engine used to struggle with picking up the user intent, however, the Hummingbird update changed all that. The search engine can now pick up user intent in vague searches as a result providing better as well as more accurate results.
3. Provides An Improved Customer Experience
Recent research conducted by Google shows that there is a 270% growth in voice searches over the past 2 years. It is increasingly important that a company ensures that its consumers can find them through voice-related search queries as well.
A good voice search strategy will do just that. By allowing your consumers to connect with you through voice searches, you are providing them with an optimized experience. This in return will enhance their trust as well as loyalty toward your brand.
4. Is Important To SEO Practices
It is important to realize, that research has shown that optimizing your website for voice search is in fact now extremely important to your overall SEO strategy.
With people using different types of search queries such as ‘Hey Google! Can I feed my dog oranges?’ when performing a voice search. It is extremely important that a company works those types of search queries into their website.
One of the more popular search queries for businesses that provide services or products is the query “near me”. For example, ‘Hey Google! “What is the closet HVAC repair company near me”. These types of queries are more important than ever to properly work into your website to perform well in the search engines.
5. Mobile-Friendly Searches Hold More Authority
The world’s largest search engine Google made it very clear. Starting in the year 2022, websites that are set up to work well on mobile devices aka mobile-friendly websites would in fact hold ranking authority.
But this is where it gets good!
Experts are suggesting a paradigm shift to voice search since there is the growing popularity of devices that can perform search-related queries through a person’s voice. It is important to realize, that users are looking for quick and relevant results to their problems or interests.
Recent studies show that voice search is in fact now up to 4 times faster than previous searches. A business owner truly cannot afford to ignore this growing trend any longer!
Hopefully now you can see just how important to you prepare your company’s online presence for voice search truly is.
If you have any questions or do not feel comfortable with trying to implement the necessary steps that need to be take to optimize your site for voice search. Simply Click HERE to set up your FREE Consultation.
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