10 Mind-Blowing 2022 Video Marketing Statistics Every Business Owner Should Know

1. Leading Source Of Web Content

By the end of the year 2022, it is predicted that 82.5 percent of all web traffic will in fact come from video content.

2. More & More Small Business Owners Are Using Video Marketing Services

Recent studies have shown that 86% of business owners are using marketing video tools.  It is important to realize if you are a small business owner that these numbers have steadily grown over the past years.  

For example, recent studies showed that in 2016 61% of business owners used marketing videos.  In 2017 that number increased to 63%.  In the year 2018, the number jumped up to 81% of business owners using marketing videos.  The largest percentage of business owners using marketing videos came in 2019 with 87% of business owners verifying that marketing videos was a very huge part of their marketing strategy. 

3. Video Marketing Services Increase Website Traffic

One of the major benefits of marketing videos is that they have proven to increase website traffic as well as reduce bounce rates.  This is verified by a recent study that revealed that 86% of business owners have fact said that they have seen an increase in website traffic since using marketing videos.

4. Increases Sales & Leads

84% of business owners have stated that they have seen an increase in leads since creating videos.  Equally important, 78% have said that they have seen an increase in sales since implementing videos into their marketing strategy.

5. Convinces Customers To Purchase Product or Service

In a recent survey that was conducted, 84% of the people surveyed said that they have in fact been convinced to buy a product or services after watching a company’s marketing video.

person holding a tablet watching a marketing video

6. Consumers Use Videos While Shopping

It has been reported that over 55% of shoppers globally have said that they even watch online videos while actively shopping.

7. Consumers Are Spending More & More Time Watching Videos

It is estimated by the end of the year 2022 that the average person will spend 100 minutes every day watching online videos.

8. Video Marketing Services Produce The Most Popular Type Of Content

A recent study performed in 2021 revealed that by the year 2020, there were over 3 billion internet users who watched streaming or downloaded videos at least one time per month.

More importantly, this number is predicted to rise to 3.5 billion internet users watching a video by the end of the year 2023.

9. Consumers Prefer Video Over Text

Recent surveys performed showed that 69% of people said that they would rather watch a short video of the product or service so that they can learn more about it.  Only 18% of people surveyed said that they prefer text-based content.

10. Video Marketing Services Provide Better Consumer Experience

94% of business owners surveyed who use videos in their marketing strategy said that videos have in fact helped their customers better understand their products or services.

list of 360 virtual tour benefits

Studies have shown that video marketing brings a 157% in organic search results when implemented into your website.  Studies also show that around 64% of consumers have also said that a video has influenced their decision to purchase a service or product from a company. 

More importantly, by the year 2022 Cisco believes that video will account for 82% of all online traffic.  This means if you are a local company and you do not start practicing video marketing, you stand a grave chance of being left behind!

In today’s digital world, videos have actually become the content strategy leader in all marketing strategies.  But why you may ask?  This is because videos have many important qualities.  But one of the main reasons is that videos are memorable.  They are also a great way to reach those individuals that simply do not like to read.

There are many different types of video marketing services that you can implement to achieve success.  The key is to figure out which type of video you need to create to appeal to your market.  Let’s take a quick look at the different types of videos you can create to reach your audience and be successful.

5 Types Of Winning Video Marketing Services  

1. Vlog Video Marketing Services

Vlog videos are exactly the same thing you are reading at this very moment.  Instead of your audience having to read your message they can simply watch it.  This helps keep your audience engaged with you.  It also offers your company a cost-effective way to perform brand awareness. 

One of the best types of vlogs is simply recording and sharing our day at work.  This allows your audience to see first-hand exactly what you do as well as how you handle different situations that arise.  Vlogs are truly a great way to earn the trust of your audience.  

owner of Adept Motions making a digital marketing video

2. Testimonial Video Marketing Services

Testimonial videos are truly one of the best ways for you to gain the trust of your audience.  A video with a customer testimonial allows your consumer base to see first-hand just how beneficial your service or product is.  Having a current customer explain how your product or service has changed their life will build trust with your potential customers. 

When a consumer gets to see first-hand how your service or product has helped others, it builds a trust level that cannot be challenged by any other marketing strategy.  Most importantly, studies have shown that 88% of consumers trust consumer reviews as much if not more than personal recommendations.  

3. Tutorial Video Marketing Services

If you need more proof of just how important videos are for marketing just take a look at the social media platform Youtube.  Just simply take a look at how many people were completely unknown and became successful through their Youtube videos.  Those individuals who have become successful understood 1 extremely important fact…People Love Watching Videos!  

Makeup artist Michelle Phan is a great example.  She started with simple tutorial makeup videos and now has a net worth of $50 million.  The key is to put out quality material with your main focus on truly helping people.  This builds solid trust with your audience.  

women making a explainer marketing video

4. Live Streaming Video Marketing Services

Live streaming videos made their way onto the scene in 2015.  Since then there has been a 330% increase in people searching for live stream videos on the social media platform Facebook.  Just to show you exactly how much live streaming has grown, please look at the following statistics.  

  • 44% today watch less TV due to a result of live streaming
  • Live video content viewing hours rose 65% over the last year
  • Live streaming videos are expected to be a $70.5 billion dollar industry by 2021

One of the major benefits of live videos is that they create suspense if you do not stay tuned in you will miss what is going on.  This leaves individuals with the feeling that they may be missing something very important.  

Studies also show that live streaming videos generate up to 10 times more engagement than regular marketing videos.  World-famous marketer Neil Patel also released a statement that live videos receive 600% more engagement than regular social media posts.  

Another great benefit to live streaming videos is that the consumer can engage in a conversation with you right then and there.  This eliminates you from having to send them a message and waiting on them to respond.  This can oftentimes lead to a sale but most importantly it increases the trust level of the consumer as well as brand awareness. 

5. Behind the Scenes Videos

These types of videos are truly one of the best brand-building videos you can create.  Creating videos showing how your company operates behind the scenes allows you to separate yourselves from your competitors.

These types of videos show your customers first-hand how hard you, as well as your employees, work to produce a quality product or service to help provide for their needs.  This will create a trust level with your consumers that simply cannot be tested.  

With 85% of companies using a video marketing strategy today the key is to create a video that separates your company from your competition.  Furthermore, by showing your viewers and consumers exactly how your company operates behind the scenes is a great way to do that.

video marketing is fun

Benefits Of Video Marketing Services For Small & Business.

If you are a small local business owner and you are using a video marketing strategy you are providing your company with a huge benefit.  But, I do not want you to take my word.  Instead, I am going to show you just how much small local business can truly benefit from a solid video marketing strategy.  

Studies have shown that if a consumer has the option to read a text or watch a video that 72% of consumers said they would choose to watch a video.  This means if you are running an ad with a picture of your product or service along with some text you could be hurting yourself.  

It Will Prevent Your Competitors From Stealing Your Customers

You say what do you mean?  Well, let’s think about that for a minute.  If your competitor is running ads using a video to market the same product or service as you and we already know 72% of consumers said they would choose a video.  More than likely those viewers are going to choose to purchase from your competitor and now you.  Now that is not good, is it!

Studies show that 20% of consumers will read a text while 80% of viewers would rather watch a video.  Also, with 64% of consumers stating that they are more likely to purchase a product or service after watching a video, it is really a no-brainer.  


Statistics Do Not Lie

No one can argue with the statistics.  As a small local business owner with lots of large companies as a competitor, you truly cannot afford to not take advantage of video marketing.  You do not have to have as much money as those larger companies to compete. 

What is most important is how you connect with your current and potential customers.  With today’s technology, there is truly no better way to do that than with a solid video marketing strategy.

Now that you have a better understanding of the types of winning marketing videos to create as well as the true benefits of quality videos.  Go out there and get started creating your first marketing video and take advantage of the true benefits of video marketing.  

If you are not sure what to do or how to start, just simply click on the button below and sign up for your FREE Consultation we offer for all small local businesses.  Also, don’t forget to sign up for our email list so that you don’t miss out on our future informative digital marketing articles as well as Tips & Specials! 

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