Are you aware of the True Importance of Ranking High in Google's Search Engines?
Google search engine optimization services are something every business owner should be thinking about investing in. It does not matter whether you are a small business owner or a local business, it is something that you truly need to be making room for in your marketing budget this upcoming year 2023, and beyond.
Of course, that is if you truly want to take advantage of the power that comes along with high online rankings in Google, Yahoo Bing, and DuckDuckGo search engines.
But please, do not take our word for it. Please see for yourself just how much website traffic you are missing out on every day by not having your company’s website not properly set up with Google SEO optimization services. The following statistics will allow you to see first-hand just why you must start investing in SEO ranking services right away if you have not already done so.
8 Google Search Engine Statistics Small & Local Business Owners Cannot Ignore

1. 92% Of All Search Volume Globally Is From Google
Yes, you read that correctly, 92 percent of all searches performed globally are done so on Google. This makes Google by far the most visited website in the entire world.
More importantly, the Google Index has 50 to 65 billion active web pages and if you are not investing in Google SEO optimization services the odds are your website is not included in those Google index page numbers. In other words, there is a good chance outside your local community no one really knows your company even exists!
2. Search Engine Users Click On Google’s First Result 39.6% Of The Time
Through this recent 2022 year, Google’s top-ranking organic spot was recorded as receiving 39.6 percent of all clicks by online search engine users. In 2020, the top-ranking site was recorded as receiving 28.5 percent of all clicks. As you can see, more people are relying on Google search engines each year to help them find the answers to their questions or solutions to their problems.
Unfortunately, if you are not investing in Google SEO optimization services your company will not most likely be found on the 1st page of Google resulting in your company missing out on hundreds and possibly thousands of leads and new potential customers every day.
3. Organic Traffic Is Responsible For 53% Of All Website Traffic
To explain, organic traffic is obtained when someone performs a search query and then clicks on a website that is ranking most likely on the 1st page of Google for that specific search query.
So, if it has been proven that organic traffic is responsible for 53 percent of all website traffic that means if your company website is not ranking on the 1st page of Google that is 53 percent of new potential leads and most importantly customers that you are missing out on every day.
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4. Moving Up 1 Ranking Position On Google's 1st Page Can Improve A Sites CTR By Up To 32.3%
Yes, you read that statistic correctly. By simply moving up one ranking spot on the 1st page of Google you could potentially increase your CTR (Click Through Rate) by up to 32.3 percent!
In other words, by moving up one spot in Google’s 1st-page rankings you will have more opportunities to better connect with your customers as well as increase your profits. However, if your company has not invested in Google SEO optimization services, the odds are your company will not reap the benefits of those 1st-page rankings.
5. 59% Of All Google Search Traffic Is On Mobile Devices
If you are a small or local business owner this statistic is something you do not want to ignore. Why you may ask? Well, to explain you can have a beautifully designed website site but if it does not perform well on mobile the odds are your company will never see any increase in online rankings.
The reason for this is simply that Google rewards websites that provide great experiences for the consumer. If your company’s website is hard to navigate on mobile, loads too slowly, or is just laid out poorly, the odds are you will not see very good Google rankings for those web pages experiencing these issues.
So, hiring someone who not only possesses knowledge of website designs as well as Google SEO optimization services is your best bet!
Lucky For Your Company Here At Adept Motions, We Are Specialists At Both!!!
6. The Number Of Mobile Searches For Local Businesses Has Grown Over 250%
As a small or local business owner, it does you no good to have a business open if no one knows about you. This is essentially what is happening if your company is not at least found in the local search engines.
The key phrase “near me” has grown to be used over 1.5 billion times! That’s right people every single day in your area are searching for your services or products and unfortunately, without having Google SEO optimization services performed you are missing out on those opportunities every day!

7. Studies Show That 65% Of Searchers Click On Organic Results
It was revealed in a recent study performed by Backlinko that 65% of people do click on organic results. Equally important, the same study revealed that 10% of people even click on multiple organic search results.
What this means for your company is that if your website is not properly optimized for the Google search engines and your competitors are investing in Google SEO optimization services, it is their company that is being found by more and more people that should be your consumers every day all while increasing their profits!
8. Google’s Search Volume See A Growth Of 10-15% Each Year
Since 2006 Google search engines have seen a steady increase of 10-15% each year in search volume. In 2007, Google searches jumped from only 10,000 per day to a whopping 3.5 million searches per day. Equally impressive, in 2008 it increased to 18 million searches worldwide every day.
As you can see, the number of people searching for your company’s services or products on Google is growing steadily each year and it is not showing any signs of slowing down.
The problem is if your company website is nowhere to be found on the 1st page of Google your company is missing out on all these potential new customers each day and year. Worst of all, you are missing out on increasing your profits and scaling your business the way you truly want to. This is why investing in Google SEO optimization services are more important than ever before.
Types Of Google SEO Optimization Services Needed
There are many different things that you can do to stand out in Google search engines. However, to truly stand you must have the following Google SEO optimization services performed.
Here at Adept Motions, we provide each of the following Google SEO Optimization Services plus More!
1. Verify & Optimize Your Google My Business Listing
2. Perform Keyword Research
3. Proper Title Tag Set-Up
4. Internal Linking
5. External Linking
6. Technical SEO
7. Image Optimization
8. Schema Markup
9. Sitemap Setup
10. Breadcrumbs Setup
11. Proper Header Tag Setup
12. Website Load Speed Management
13. Google Analytics & Google Search Console Setup
14. Writing & Releasing Consistent Informative Blog Articles

Hopefully, with the information you have been provided with here today you now truly understand just how important it is to have your company’s website optimized and ranking high in the Google Search Engines.
If you have any questions regarding our Google SEO optimization services please do not hesitate to reach out to us at (276) 207-9880. Also, be sure to sign up for our email list below so that you do not miss out on our future informative articles as well as specials!
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