10 Content Marketing Stats Every Small & Local Business Should Know
It is important to realize, that as a small and local business owner it is essential to know what kind of content marketing strategy your competitors are practicing. The reason for this is that you want your content marketing to stand out from your competitors so that you can steal their attention.
So, to give you a little head start, here are 10 content marketing stats you should know!
1. 66% of marketers have reported that they expect their 2022 content marketing budget to increase compared to 2021’s budget.
2. More than 60% of marketers have reported that they measure the success of their content marketing strategy by their sales.
3. Video Content was the number 1 content choice in 2021 as a marketing strategy for the majority of marketers.
4. The search algorithms for Google are now focusing on trying to transcend voice/podcast, video, as well as text to images.
5. Studies show that the Top 4 most successful types of content used by marketers are Blogs, Videos, Infographics, and Images
6. The Top 3 content distribution channels used to achieve a successful marketing strategy for both local and small business owners are a Website, Blog, as well as a Email Newsletter.
7. Analytic Tools, Social Media Publishing, and Email Marketing Software are the Top 3 Tools Professional Marketers rely on to achieve a successful marketing campaign.
8. Finding ideas for new content, creating content that generates leads, as well as creating high-quality and engaging content is the Top 3 content problems for most business owners.
9. High-Quality content is the key to producing Brand Awareness, Building Credibility and Trust, as well as Educating Your Audience which all lead to a successful marketing strategy and higher profits.
10. Increasing Engagement, Increasing Brand Awareness, and Increasing Sales should be your Top 3 focus points when creating content.
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Content Marketing has proven to bring extreme success for companies that practice it. Content marketing has been proving to have many benefits. Time has shown it is one of the most effective methods for growing audience engagement. That’s not all though! In fact, it has also been proven to help with brand presence as well as increase sales.
In today’s article, we will go over the importance as well as the true benefits of content marketing as well as why every small local business needs to practice it.
One of the most important factors of content marketing is that it answers your audience’s questions. It has also been proven to build trust with your audience as well as to improve conversions. Additionally, it also helps you connect with your customers as well as generate consistent leads.
CMI’s digital marketing study showed that 72% of marketers said content marketing increased their engagement. It also showed that 72% said it also increased the number of leads they were able to collect.
Having a consistent brand message is one of the main factors that can determine the growth of your business. Just look at today’s big companies, they provide a consistent brand message to all their consumers.
In fact, a study performed by McKinsey & Company showed that consistency is the main ingredient in making your customers happy. It showed that consistent content indeed establishes your credibility. As well as, builds your brand while strengthening your reputation.
Now, let’s take a look at the true benefits of content marketing for local businesses.
10 True Benefits of Content Marketing For All Small Businesses
1. Improves Social Media Traffic & Followers
By implementing your content on the social media channels available today you can increase your brand’s exposure. Also, by doing this more users will be able to read your content. That is not all though. This also provides the opportunity for your audience to share your material thus increasing your followers. The more followers you gain, the more your brand will be known.
2. Increases Your Audience Retention
Providing your audience with great content is an extremely important asset. It provides the opportunity to create a positive experience for your potential customers. As well as the opportunity to convert them into repeat customers. It is truly one of the best ways to capture your audience’s attention as well as keep them intrigued.
3. Produces Higher Visibility In Search Engines
Every new post you create for your blog is simply another page that can be indexed by Google. The benefit of this is simple. The more pages you have indexed by Google, the more opportunities you have to rank for keywords with high search volumes.
You may ask why this is important. Well, the higher you rank on the 1st page of Google, the more opportunities you have to gain new customers. It is also important that Google cares more and relevant and quality content as opposed to the number of content you have indexed in the search engines.
4. Gain Trust With Your Target Audience
By creating quality content you are helping your company build trust with its target audience. Your content provides your audience with a chance to ask you questions. As well as the opportunity for you to answer those questions for them. Also, when you create valuable content without asking for anything in return, your audience is more likely to trust your advice.
The more quality content your customers see your producing, the more trust they are likely to have in your brand.
5. Generates More Leads
Content marketing is absolutely one of the best ways to generate leads. Providing quality and informative content to your audience for free, builds trust. This trust usually turns into them subscribing to your email list.
This not only subscribing to your email list.
This not only allows you to keep them engaged with your company. It also allows you to send them any specials you are running. In fact, studies show that allows you to keep them engaged with your company. It also allows you to send them any specials you are running. In fact, studies show that consumers who purchase products through email spend 138% more than those who do not receive email offers.
6. Increase Your Domain Authority
By writing consistent high-quality, relevant as well as informative content, you will increase your site’s domain authority. Domain authority is basically your trust level with the search engines. The higher domain authority your site has the higher search rankings your site will receive.
This is achieved by having trusted external sites linking to your site. Those trustworthy external sites with high domain authority will not link to content that is not quality. Therefore, the only way to gain those external links is by producing consistent quality content for everyone.
7. Content Marketing Is Cheap
One of the beautiful things about content marketing is that it only costs time. It is truly one of the most cost-effective marketing strategies today. Also, it provides compounding returns. Now be advised, that you will not see head-turning results in the first few months. But after the first few months into it, you will see steady growth in results.
The key to success with content marketing is that the sooner you start the sooner you can reap the benefits from it. Those results will be higher conversion rates, increased traffic as well as a better relationship with your customers.
8. Improves Your Conversion Rate
The quality and informative content you release will influence conversions. Studies show that customers are more likely to purchase from a company once they have read its content.
Producing consistently high-quality content helps your target audience connect with you. Furthermore, it provides them with the information they need in order to make a wise purchasing decision.
9. Provides Customers More On-Site Content
The fact is, the more quality content you have on your site, the more reasons your customers have to stick around. This allows your customers with more opportunities to become familiar with your brand. It will also increase the consumer base as well as your trust level with your well as lead to higher conversion rates.
The quality content will help keep your visitors on your site longer. This is very beneficial, the longer a viewer is on your site the more it decreases your bounce rate. The lower the bounce rate you have the more trust you will gain in the Google search engines. This also contributes to better online rankings.
10. Improves Brand Reputation
When you provide informative, relevant as well as quality content it will help your readers think more highly of your brand. Furthermore, when they see your content published across the social media channels available today, it will help them feel that your brand is more trustworthy than others.
This is important for you to set yourself apart from your competitors. In fact, if you are a local company producing consistent quality content will is one of the best ways to become the leader of the pack in your area.
If you do not have a content marketing campaign going on, I highly recommend you get started much sooner than later.
If you are not sure what to do or do not simply have the time required to create quality high-content, go ahead and Contact Us Today at (276) 207-9880! We will get started creating quality content for you right away.
Or you can simply Click Here and set up your FREE Consultation.
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